"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Nov 8, 2010


“Internet of Things” is on the way

In case many of you have been doing more important things than paying attention to the latest techno-apocalypitc developments, such as growing your own food, or stocking up on supplies, you may not have heard of the “Internet of Things.” And what is the “Internet of Things?” Well, from the perspective of the vast spy agencies, the internet has one fatal flaw: if you’re not on it, they can’t spy on you. Bummer. So, to get around this little inconvenience of privacy, the latest push is to get every physical object in the world online. That’s right. Everything from your car, to your toaster, will eventually be connected and controllable through the internet. It seems that the Gods on Mount Olympus have had such great success with the virtual world that they now want to bring everything into it. And that means more control for them and less freedom for everyone else.



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At 12:04 AM , Anonymous Tim Boucher said...

I've started to take a sort of "who cares" attitude to this kind of stuff. If and when this happens, aren't people still going to do more or less what they want anyway? Better question: people who are afraid that x, y, or z technology will take something away from them: are they living right now how they want to be? If not now, then when? If you're worried about the future, build a better one! Learn the code.

At 4:18 PM , Blogger Indigobusiness said...

Are you kidding? This apocalypse is welcomed by me, I'm just not thrilled by the forces tipping the balance. But the poison has to be drained away, regardless, if things are to get back on track.

We've drifted too far into the wilderness, and still pretend our course is correct.

The saving grace is that balance is always naturally restored, until the equation is solved.


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