528 is a simple number that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” This LOVE vibration harmonically resonates in your heart inaudibly connecting your spiritual essence to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth. Even the parallel universes connect to the center of your heart by this LOVE channel broadcasting matter and energy according to the laws of physics. In fact, 528 is fundamental to these laws. This frequency, more than any other, epitomizes the unified field of musical metaphysics in the matrix of the spiraling fractal universe.

For more technical information for musicians about the LOVE Hertz frequency of 528, as well as 417Hz--the frequency of cosmic resonance--click on “The Technology” tab above. Here Don Nicoloff counsels advanced musicologists, and technically curious musicians, by answering questions posed by Austrian musician, and LIVE H2O concert organizer, Dainis Michel.
"In my estimation Dr. Horowitz has unearthed a covert operation run amok, that is bigger than any secret operation in U.S. history, and more momentous in it's implications to humanity than the atomic weapons 'Manhattan Project' of World War II."
Col. Jack Kingston
Ret. Strategic Planner, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon
Past Chairman, National Security Advisory Board

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