"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Aug 31, 2006

Slipsliding into Fascism

Law Enforcement Officials

Search for U.S.-Born Terrorists

Associated Press WorldStream
via NewsEdge Corporation

WASHINGTON_U.S-born terrorists - as well as potential ones - are stirring the government's interest.

Worried about American citizens attacking their own country, law enforcement and intelligence officials are trying to learn how and why extremist sympathizers cross a line and become operational terrorists.

Intelligence officials now fear that homegrowns pose as much of a threat to the U.S. as foreign terrorists. State and local police are being enlisted to watch for signs from people who in the past would have never gotten a second look.

"We want to understand the phenomena: What causes a person from being, say, extreme in views, to moving to actually committing violence?" said Charles E. Allen, chief intelligence officer at the Homeland Security Department.

Word said the federal government also "needs to broaden the scope of what terrorism is and what homeland security is."


At 12:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming to a newspaper headline soon:

Everybody is a terrorist, Babies, Old People, Soccer Moms, they just ain't been brought to justice yet. -U.S. Goverment

At 12:55 PM , Blogger La Sirena said...

Wow -- that's pretty terrifying. Entertaining what is vaguely referred to as "extreme views" will prompt surveillance. So ideas will be considered probable cause for search and seizure -- effectively defecating all over the First and Fourth Amendments. Every day seems more Orwellian. I

At 1:38 PM , Blogger Indigobusiness said...

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At 1:43 PM , Blogger Indigobusiness said...

It's the opening that cloaks the fear/powermongers to tunnel after political enemies, real or imagined. Their favorite weapons seem to be character assasination and blackmail.

What upsets my chili are the supporters of this brand of Unamericanism who claim "Orwell was wrong." WTF? How could he have been more right?

At 7:43 AM , Blogger Eyes of the World said...

good morning ... character assasination, blackmail ... that is just their appetizer


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