"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Aug 27, 2006


Naufana is one of the Seven Cities of the Red Night, that contributor William S. Burroughs wrote about.
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Hexagram 31 is "Conjoining". Other variations include "influence (wooing)" and "feelings". Its inner trigram is bound = mountain, and its outer trigram is open = swamp.

T'sun Ken

I have traveled to T'sun Ken, the ancient center of Naufana before the Erectaclysm, to study the graffitii that still is visible in some of the partially submerged temples in the swamps at the base of the Glass Mountain. This Mountain was created by the earthquakes that devestated Naufana.

I have been addicted to pornography since my stay in Ba'Dan and found myself without female consort. When I got to the University city of Wagdas I quickly discovered the pornography section of the library. It was full of the history of pornography and not just from this planet, but from all over the multiverse.

When I learned of the erotic graffiti that existed in the ancient temples of Naufana I was completely obsessed. Legends of strange elaborate graffiti/art work with humans copulating with plants, or as some describe them plant people. I found these legends in out of the way sources in my quest for really strange porn. I decided that I would do a expedition to these temples and see for myself this ancient pornographic graffitti.


From Key 23 Hypersigil

Erectaclysm is a word that is a combination of Erection and Cataclysm. It refers specifically to the great natural disasters that have unleased DOR/ Deadly Orgone Radiation. Earthquakes that move a significant amount of material are know to release uranium and other natural radio-active products and mix them with organic material and quartz crytal in natural layers. There are a number of these occurances on record even in the last 900 years. Glass Mountain near Mt. Shasta is a black obsidian lava flow. Black Obsidian happens to be radio-active and when leaked from the ground and then embeded in organic material becomes a monumental deadly orgone accumulator.

Society is disrupted for long periods even after the destruction from the earthquakes has passed. The Erectaclysm comes when the DOR drives a significant number of men insane and they destroy the survivors. These ravening madmen with engorged erections hanging out of their flys and glazed eyes wreak havok on anyone they catch.

The Erectaclysms are so horrid that their traces have been removed from most historical texts. There is a Board Book called Erectaclypsis that contains the only know histories of these disasters. This book (the original) is suspected to be hidden in a cashe of documents that were bricked into the wall of certain Masonic Temples around the world. Photographs of certain plates of copies/forgeries are all that are known to be available.

Faemblem of divstellatio

From Key 23 Hypersigil

Faemblem of Divstellatio

We have only the influence of this text by which to know it, no surviving fragments of it remain. Only by examining the true necronomicon with the aid of other texts from that time can one become aware that there must have been an ur-text. Once the sun is placed within a Conman, the Faemblem of Divstellatio will be fulfilled. Authored thousands of years ago, long before the Erectaclysm destroyed the Toltecs and created the Bay of Mexico, this text is considered the primary source from which Abd Alhazred learnt his magics, and the viracochas Votan took the knowledge he gained from this text and used it to retire in the netherlands once his work in what is now called Peru was complete.


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Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom



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