"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Aug 29, 2006

Bad Gas

Who Are These Bastards?

He does it

Bad Gas is shat out and then maintained by Nobody.


Image Of The Moment

All hate mail, viruses and requests for compensation can be sent to him: nobody@badgas.co.uk.

He helps

Fanley is responsible for Lookunlikes and The Google Non-whack. He also reviews drafts, submits rubbish and performs a technically excellent Lynndie.


If Nobody has abused you or refuses to answer your e-mails, you can try your luck with Fanley: fanley@badgas.co.uk.

So does he

Smith sends links, looks at things and smashes people in the face.


If you're a clingy, freakish e-mail addict, why not contact him? He's here: smith@badgas.co.uk.

A man (New)

Chard has sour things sprouting in his mind. He uses Photoshop to translate them into pictures. You look at those pictures.


Pathologically friendless? Need some money transferred out of Nigeria? Chard is your man: ridchardt@excite.com.

Well done, Spurr, for noticing that the BBC have caught on to the Nigerian scambaiters. At least they chose the best in the business; who else but the 419eater crew could manage to persuade a fat Nigerian man to paint a big red 9 on his saggy tit?

If half-naked African men aren't your thing, then you could always dip into the video library to see what's new. Who knows? You might see a cat smacking a baby, some climbers falling off a cliff, a cat having an epileptic fit, some American teenagers frightening people to death with an airhorn or somebody having fireworks aimed at them. Thanks to Flash and Fanley for the help.

And if all of this is a bit too much for you and you have a slightly weak disposition, perhaps a photo of a rectal prolapse will keep you happy.

7 July 2004

At Norwegian music festivals, people sometimes get up on stage and start having sex. I'm glad they don't do that in England, because people tend to be a lot fatter and uglier here. Especially people who go to music festivals.

And I just stumbled on this enjoyable little number. Some of the photos show an incredible amount of patience and dedication.

American bitch

Kitty Bukkake is this: a cigarette-Photoshopper; a pedant; and a muse for things that are toxic, pustulated and downright funny.


Go and stuff her words in your eyes. Even better, watch her latest video.

BEAUTIFUL is not exactly a music video.

“Begins like a laudanum-induced Christina Aguilera karaoke hallucination, then u-turns into Carrie meets Karen Finley meets a back-alley psychosexual nightmare.” — Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing, September 12, 2004

Shot on July 18, 2004 in Historic West Adams, Los Angeles.

Performed and directed by Jen Collins
Camera: Julian Hoeber
Stills: Ann-Marie Rounkle

Warning: This performance is not work-safe. Enjoy at your own risk.


watch video (27 MB)

clip - what?

watch clip (1.7 MB)

Feeling down? Want to sing along? You need a Beautiful prayer card. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope or alms for the poor to:

Jen Collins
PO Box 27611
Los Angeles, CA 90027-0611
Offer good while supplies last or until I get sued, whichever comes first.


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-Cormac McCarthy-

Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth by means of his will is a magus and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom



'The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them'.....'Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.'.....'In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.'.....'War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.' George Orwell

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