A Scanner Darkly
'A Scanner Darkly' Reveals Near Future Police State
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | February 22 2006
A new movie set to hit the big screen this summer depicts a near future America that has lost the war on drugs and capitulated into the tentacles of a pervasive control grid. A Scanner Darkly represents the latest example of a refreshing and burgeoning trend in Hollywood that seeks to enlighten the viewer into recognizing the real world prison barriers being erected around society today.
The movie is based on the book of the same name by Philip K. Dick and is filmed in interpolated rotoscoping style, whereby live action photography is overlaid with an advanced animation process. This gives the impression of a graphic novel come to life and has the same unique impression as director Richard Linklater's previous cult classic, Waking Life.
The brand new second trailer has just been posted online. Click here for Windows Media, click here for QuickTime.
The next few years will see a rash of new releases that closely parallel reality as the New World Order seeks to put in place the final jigsaw pieces of totalitarian control, empire and tyranny.
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