"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Feb 26, 2006

Parrot Prophecy

Many scientists, biologists and animal intelligence researchers are reluctant to admit that parrots can use context and speak in some form of conversational language. Some guardians who have had exceptional talking budgies and thought they were speaking in context, were never believed.This site not only proves that they can talk in context but shows how they can learn, speak and understand sophisticated conversational language. Over and over again, it clearly demonstrates a keen understanding of concepts and intelligence equal to or even greater than humans. It is a doorway into the mind of an animal that goes far beyond what most people ever thought possible.

The main focus of the study is about a budgie named Victor who had a vocabulary of more than 1000 words. It shows how he pronounced these words and understood their meanings as well. You can hear him talking about feelings and emotions that most think are restricted only to humans. Recently other budgies have started to talk in similar context as well. You can hear some of their recordings here as well. We believe these recordings to be some of the most important examples of animal intelligence ever provided. While you explore this site, all we ask is you keep an open mind and spend enough time on it to adjust yourself to the budgie accent. All audio recordings have captions to teach you how to understand them and how they really are communicating with us.

Nostradamus Predicted Talking Birds
Did you know that Nostradamus predicted what is happening here. He said, "The voice of the unusual bird is heard, In the pipe of the breathing floor:"

He also said, "House pets finally communicate with man. Life then possible outside the planet. A new tyrant sows terror. Events to come."

Even the bible predicted it as well. Ecclesiastics 12 says, "And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;"


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