"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."

Nov 25, 2005


This split of original Christianity into two rival churches (the semi-suppressed mystical versions and the dominant church of the false gospel) fits perfectly with the burgeoning new view, which I maintain, that there are two rival mysticisms: false mysticism/spirituality, which reveres religious experiencing without the crutch of drugs, and true mysticism/spirituality, true religion, which reveres entheogens wholeheartedly and emphatically as the premiere door to heaven, to religious and high philosophical fulfillment. Entheogenic fundamentalism is the belief that those who refuse to eat and drink the sacred plant, which is the flesh of God, condemn themselves to eternal torment, eternal unquenched thirst and unfulfillment, and separation from God.

If the entheogenic plant had not spilled its vital blood for us, we would have no way to be saved, no door to bring us into heaven. Here we have a foundation for the only religious freedom that matters: the freedom to eat God's flesh as he has admonished, and drink his Life-giving blood. If we are permitted to "worship" but only in such a way that we do not consume God's true entheogenic flesh and drink his true entheogenic blood, then there simply is no possibility of any true worship. Worshipping God *is* consuming entheogenic flesh and blood; there is no reason to worship and there is no worship, without consuming this. Strictly speaking, there is only one act that constitutes worship, only one reason to go to church, and that is to consume the body of God which he has given to us for our salvation, saying,

This is my body: Take; Eat; and give praise to the glory of the higher.

Christians anticipate the return of the messiah. The messiah returns every 10 months, for the 2 month A. Muscaria growing season. The Christs, such as the Greek savior figures in general, are the bringers of entheogen experiencing; they are the personified entheogens and the model of the personal self which results after being fully instructed by the entheogens. I insist that we need the messiah to return to save us. Without the annual return of Entheogen the Messiah riding on the thunder-clouds, we would be eternally in darkness. We are responsible but dependent still on the availability of entheogens. We should not be too proud to eat God's flesh which is given to us for free. It is wrong to consider entheogens as a crutch rather than a gift. Being a responsible individual includes knowing that we are dependent on plant teachers for illumination.
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the omitted sacred texts all are full of eating and drinking sacred foods and sacred drinks at sacred meals. Heinrich's book proposed that the sacred loaves are ergot cakes, and then Merkur's book proposed the same. Heinrich also proposed that the loaves are A. Muscaria caps.
All the mental activity and strategies we can think of will not bring us illumination as surely, reliably, quickly, and easily as eating the flesh of God and drinking his divine vital fluid from his nurturing body. Avoiding eating the plant paracletes (helpers who are called for assistance and rescue) would be an avoidance of responsibility, the responsibility of becoming mature and fully developed, spiritually and philosophically. To accept responsibility for spiritual development is to accept the necessity and practicality, the effectiveness, of using plant teachers.
The Forbidden

We have drunk soma, have become immortal
Gone to the light have we, the gods discovered
What can hostility do against us?

These hymns to a plant deity, as Wasson pointed out in his Soma, were composed over a period of centuries, by men who lived far remote from each other, but shared the same experiences from it;

... In the hierarchy of Vedic gods certain others took precedence over Soma: but since Soma was a tangible, visible thing, its inebriating juice to be ingested by the human organism in the course of the ritual, a god come down and manifesting himself to the Aryans, Soma played a singular role in the Vedic pantheon. The poets never tire of stressing Soma's sensuous appeal... The priests, after imbibing the juice, seem to have known, for the nonce, the ecstasy of existence in the World of the Immortals. The divine element was not just a symbol of spiritual truth as in the Christian communion: Soma was a miraculous drink that spoke for itself.

Suddenly I burst into a vast, new, indescribably wonderful universe. Although I am writing this over a year later, the thrill of the surprise and amazement, the awesomeness of the revelation, the engulfment in an overwhelming feeling-wave of gratitude and blessed wonderment, are as fresh, and the memory of the experience is as vivid, as if it had happened five minutes ago. And yet to concoct anything by way of description that would even hint at the magnitude, the sense of ultimate reality . . . this seems such an impossible task. The knowledge which has infused and affected every aspect of my life came instantaneously and with such complete force of certainty that it was impossible, then or since, to doubt its validity.


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